Wing Loong I (WD-1K/GJ-1) Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) of People's Liberation Army Air Force is capable of identifying host...
Chinese Z-20 Medium Lift Utility Helicopter in Final Stages of Development
New Images of underdevelopment Chinese 10 ton Z-20 Medium Lift Utility Helicopter suggest that it is in final stages of testing and w...
China's Most Powerful Armed Drone CH-5 UAV Makes its First Flight
CH-5 drone with 8x AR-1 AR-1 supersonic anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) and 8x AR-2 short-range semi-active laser (SAL) air-to-surface mi...
Chinese DWL-001 Non-cooperative Passive Detection System
Chinese DWL-001 Non-cooperative Passive Detection System at at Zhuhai Airshow 2016. This oassive detection system can detect air targe...
Chinese RedArrow 10 A Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) in Action
Chinese RedArrow 10 A Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) in Action. China is displaying RedArrow 10 A missile at its Zhuhai Airshow 2016...
Chinese VT5 LightWeight Main Battle Tank (MBT)
Chinese VT-5 Light Main Battle Tank (MBT) is getting ready for display at Zhuhai "Airshow China 2016". China will be displayin...
Sino-Russian Advanced Heavy Lift (AHL) Helicopter
Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) has displayed a scale model of Advanced Heavy Lift (AHL) Helicopter being jointly develo...