China’s state-owned defense giant, CASIC (China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation), has unveiled the LY-70, a groundbreaking mobile air defense system designed to dominate the modern battlefi…
China’s state-owned defense giant, CASIC (China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation), has unveiled the LY-70, a groundbreaking mobile air defense system designed to dominate the modern battlefi…
Chinese Heavy Attack Gunship Helicopter New Generation Attack helicopter of People Libration Army appears to have 2 main pylons under each wing and an additional wingtip hard point for carrying Air t…
Chinese sources are claiming that Pakistan army will receive unknown quantity of Z-10ME medium attack helicopters in 2023 to replace its aging fleet of AH-1F/S cobra helicopters.Pakistani Pakistan Arm…
Chinese People liberation Army Air Defense uses different type of Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun (SPAAG) including Gun-Missile Systems which feature Multi-barrel 25 / 30 /35 mm guns and 4-8 short-r…
China have delivered first batch of 06 J-10C fighter jets to Pakistan .Air Force (PAF). Above image have confirmed that first 06 J-10C have landed at Kamra Air Base.Initial reports indicated that Pak…
During last week Chinese internet forums have started sharing images of J-10C fighter aircraft with marking of the Pakistan Airforce (PAF) which are equipped with Chinese developed WS-10B Taihang turb…
China has displayed PL-15E Beyond Visual Range Air to Air Missile (BVRAAM) at its Zhuhai air show 2021. PL-15E use two way data links for midcourse corrections and active radar guidance during termin…
Unofficial art work has appeared on Chinese internet forums depecting possible configuration of Navalized version of FC-31/J-31 aka J-35.It remains to be seen if this new fighter jet will be compatibl…
First clear image of Type 054A/P Frigate which is currently under construction at Chinese ship yard for Pakistan Navy. Pakistan Navy has confirmed last year that PN will purchase total of 4 Type 054…