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  1. The Chinese Airforce is close to having operational stealth capability. Those Asian Nations which can afford it should obtain their own stealth aircraft. If I was an Asian leader of a nation that already operated the F 15 Jet Fighter. I would buy a squadron of the Stealth F 15 for use as an Interceptor. I would follow these up with the F 35 Stealth Attack Jet for strategic penetration missions. And if I operated large helicopter carrier ships like Korea and Japan do. Then I would have a Squadron of the STOVL F 35 B to provide air cover for my surface fleet.

  2. It would be a commercial opportunity to give the Palestinian people 1000 of these airplanes with which to defeat zionist F16s, F35s and all their terrorist zionist weapons.

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  4. Don't put too much faith in stealth fighters; Iran already has in its possession the RQ-170 drone which is highly advanced. With good engineering skills Iran should be able to produce better copies of this drone for future use against the imperialists and zionists.

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